Field Care Instructions

The amount of care you take of your trophy in the field has EVERYTHING to do with the quality of the finished product. Poor care can mean unattractive mounts, costly repair work, or complete loss of the specimen. Following these guidelines, and a little common sense, will insure your trophy will arrive at our shop in good condition.

Game heads
• NEVER cut the throat.
• NEVER hang the trophy by the neck with a rope.
• NEVER cut down the back or up the brisket.
• NEVER get the hide wet.
• NEVER drag the animal if possible, especially on shoulders.
• ALWAYS get the animal to the taxidermist immediately.
• ALWAYS freeze your trophy immediately if you can’t get to the taxidermist right away.
• ALWAYS save plenty of hide. Too much is better than too little. See pictures below as an example on where to cut.


• Avoid netting the fish, as nets will split the fins and tail.
• Be very gentle with the fish, and try to avoid losing any scales.
• Freeze the fish as soon as possible to help retain some of its natural markings.
• When freezing a fish, carefully lay its fins next to the body and wrap the fish in a WET towel. This will help eliminate freezer burn
• Avoid keeping the freezer for very long. A fish frozen in this manner will last much longer than if it were unprotected (such as wrapped in newspaper, foil, dry towel, etc.) but I would still suggest getting it to your taxidermist within 3 months or so.


• After harvesting your bird immediately dab any blood from the feathers with a soft cloth or paper towel.
• NEVER wring the birds neck!!!
• Handle the bird VERY gently and avoid losing ANY feathers. Try to handle the bird only by the feet if possible.
• If available, slide the bird in an old pair of panty hose. Otherwise you may wrap it in a dry towel.
• Place in a plastic bag and freeze.
• Get the bird to the taxidermist as soon as possible. Birds freezer burn very quickly!


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© Cole Cruickshank 2008